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Interview to DAVEINCID

Today we have Daveincid, famous to Football Manager audiences for creating the 'Increase Realism' mod.
Let's start with a simple introduction. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is David, I'm 32 and I'm from Switzerland. I am married and have been the father of a wonderful daughter since December 23. I am autistic (diagnosed in 2019), which probably explains many of my idiosyncrasies:
- I don't like places with lots of people
- Social interactions are a challenge (especially as a content creator)
- I'm very bad at dealing with unexpected changes (*cough* FM25 delay *cough")
- I have a talent to focus very strongly, almost obsessively, on one subject area - if it interests me of course Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.
- I am very direct in my communication, especially in my role as content creator. This may irritate some people, but it's extremely important for my resource management.
- Finally, probably the most obvious one: I love Football Manager Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

How did your passion for Football Manager start? Your first chapter?

I think my passion for Football Manager simulations began in 2006 or 2007 with EA Manager. In Switzerland (and in German-speaking countries in general), Sega's Football Manager wasn't really present until a few years ago. Looking back, the first chapter was rather negative. I came across Football Manager by chance in 2012. I played the game in English and, like many others, was completely overwhelmed at first. At the same time, I was immediately mesmerised by its complexity. Today, I always describe the differences between EA Manager and FM in the same way: EA Manager was Duplo (children's toys) and FM is Lego technology. I was never a fan of Duplo Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

Going back to the Increase Realism mod, can you explain how the idea came about?

The origin was actually the absolute low point in my life. As I mentioned earlier, I only received my autism diagnosis in 2019, but the problems started in early childhood and continued into adulthood. Anxiety/depression/breakdowns. Doubts about why I don't function like others. I've been through all that. Despite all the hardships, I was able to complete a vocational training programme. But working a high workload consistently never worked out. Then in 2019 came the shock and at the same time the relief of the diagnosis. However, this was followed by 2 years of fighting for my financial existence in court. You might be wondering what this has to do with the Realism mod? Well, the legal fees in those 2 years were around €40,000 to fight for my rights in court. Money I didn't have and neither did my wife. So out of desperation I tried to commercialise the project, which was relatively small and unstructured at the time (Patreon). I really wanted to use the money to fight for my rights. At the same time, the project gave me a task. During these 2 years of struggle, you are condemned to do nothing. You are not allowed to work during this time. So I familiarised myself with the pre-game editor and the project took on bigger and bigger dimensions. Until today. Since summer 2024, I've been able to recoup the legal fees. For which I will always be eternally grateful to the community. You helped a person win against an anti-social insurance company and give hope to people with disabilities.

What is the biggest difficulty you encountered in creating the mod?

In the beginning, it was certainly the lack of experience. Which changes have what effect? What are the consequences for Y if I change X? Over time, this part becomes easier because you are constantly learning. Today, by far the most difficult and exhausting part is everything that has to do with my work but is not in the pre-game editor:
- Social media
- Promoting
- Q&A
None of these things suit me, but they are part of the job.

What advice would you give to a new manager approaching your mod for the first time? Could he or she run into major difficulties in managing the chosen team?

An important point is certainly that he or she also reads the accompanying text about what my files do. Many of the questions I am asked are actually already covered there.
In the game itself, I'm actually pleased when people report difficulties. The game is quickly too easy (especially for experienced players). Especially from the 2nd season onwards. I also try to offer the more experienced players a certain challenge.
For new players who are overwhelmed: I was at that point back then too. If you're new to FM, be patient. It can take a good 1-2 years to really understand FM. Once you have reached this point, you have arrived in the fascinating world of Football Manager. Getting out of there again is probably difficult or even impossible Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

What is the greatest satisfaction you have received from Football Manager and your mod?

When I see a problem in the game that requires complex solutions/edits that at first glance have nothing to do with one another. When these changes produce the desired result, it is definitely a very satisfying feeling. From a content creator's point of view, I'm of course very happy when people enjoy my mod.

As we know FM25 will be a special chapter as it will open a new era: new graphics engine and women's football. What do you expect from FM25? What do you expect from Football Manager in the coming years?

Maybe it's the autism, but I'm not a fan of speculation. I deal with topics as soon as they can be planned. However, I have a lot of trust in the development studio and so I am relatively relaxed about the postponed release of the FM25 and am mainly looking forward to the beginning of a new era.

We have mentioned women's football which will be present in FM25. Do you have any plans in store for this new world?

I have already partially answered the question in the previous question. I plan as soon as I can plan. But it is certainly a possibility.

Do you have other passions in your spare time besides Football Manager?

In addition to Football Manager, I am a full-time dad. So my passion is definitely my daughter. I played badminton for a long time, but I just don't have the energy at the moment. 3 walks a day with the little one at least somewhat compensates for the lack of sporting activities  Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

In conclusion, which team do you support? Football idol?

FC Basel. In the past, as a fan, I was very spoiled in terms of successof my club. But at the moment it is rather bitter. But that's part of being a fan Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

For a long time, his idol was Cristiano Ronaldo (starting with ManUdt up to and including Real Madrid), but after that the admiration waned a little.

Besides Ronaldo, it's definitely Mohamed Salah. When the first rumors arose about a possible move to FC Basel, I saw videos of him on YouTube. The guy felt like he was twice as fast as his opponents. Even back then I thought that if Basel really got him, he would be a world-class player. The rest is history.

Interview conducted by .
Thanks to DAVEINCID for the interview granted. It is possible to ask more questions to the interviewee in this topic

Excellent interview! Thanks for everything Dave, stay strong and may you have a wonderful life with your wife and daughter!
It was really good to learn how Football Manager is not just a game.